Monday, August 3, 2015

Interesting Revelations About the Male Species

While being informed of a horrendous turn of events involving that "special someone" is enough of a tragedy in itself, the tragedy is quickly turned into a disaster upon realizing that you must now see them everyday. In my case, you must eat in the same room as them which makes it extremely hard to eat the already barely-edible cafeteria food while being reminded of their horrible actions. Am I blowing things out of proportion? Probably. Will I sit and stew in anger forever? Probably at least a few months. However, in my numerous failed attempts at the opposite sex I have learned some very interesting things. Many of them being that no boy is immune to the dreaded "I'm not like other boys" disease in which they try to convince you that they actually aren't like other boys which is probably true like 0.000001% of the time. But shout out to the boys that are different. Y'all rock, hit ya girl up. While you will have boys that just don't understand that you are, in fact, a human and do, in fact, have feelings, remain patient. While there are boys that will start things with you despite having a relationship with someone else at the same time (you know who you are) remain hopeful. Because life with boys is hard, but could you imagine life without them? What a boring world. Peaceful, but boring. There is a boy out there who isn't the king of being a shitty person, and you deserve nothing less. Don't settle for anyone that makes you feel less than a work of art. 

Bottom line: fuck boys, but also fuck boys ya feel 

About Me

I like makeup & ranting, if there's anything you'd like to see mentioned, let me know! instagram: kt_mc5 twitter:ktthemccoolest